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Everyone is Off Work, Except those Darn Criminals

Yes, despite the “Stay-At-Home” advisories, despite the looming virus threat, with the threat of sickness and even death attached, despite the lack of people driving the roadways, despite the fact that most people are out of work or on...

Crime During the Emergency Stay Home of 2020

America has been put on lockdown, so-to-speak. Offices are on lockdown. Restaurants and social locations are closed. Parks and beaches closed. Almost no one is working. Everyone is staying home…right? Not according to my Ring Alert network. Not according to the...

Social Distancing, and Profiling, in the Situational Awareness Model

I know what you are thinking at this moment, another piece about the COVID-19 virus, Healthcare, death, and sickness. And now here I come with yet more! I think it worthwhile to look at the relationship with some of the processes we do when being aware of the virus...

The New Terrorist Opportunity…Covid-19

Covid-19 has presented a potential new opportunity for terrorist in this new environment of isolation. Typically we think that terrorist will target likely gathering places for their attacks, though there are also other criteria they might use. Those gathering places...

Taking Stock of “Now” in the time of Covid-19

We are currently in week…IDK, one thousand…it doesn’t matter! It has been a while. Weeks and months. We have survived, mostly! There have been some deaths, too many deaths. One is too many, the actual number is tragic, and given the realities there...

Coronavirus…The Current Monster Under the Bed!

Do you see the threat there…It’s right in front of you!! I don’t want to make light of this…this IS serious!  I know that virtually everyone is talking about it.  And with good reason.  People are sick, people have died and likely, people will die.  This...