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Why is Crime Exploding Everywhere? The Los Angeles Story

Why?  Why is crime exploding everywhere…here?  First, is it true that crime is ex-losing everywhere?  Is “everywhere” a fair choice of word in this conversation? Taking each of these questions separately…and is the opening a trick question!  The answer is obvious, and...

Terrorism Threats Today…Tomorrow, When or Not?

No Immediate Threat to U.S. Security Amid Hamas Call for Protests, Officials...

Enemies At The Gates…

Photo: Times of Israel So terrorists have infiltrated Israel to commit attacks. What are the chances that terrorists have been and currently are entering the U.S. via our open borders? Rhetorical question. They certainly can be and likely have already. How do I know?...

School and Mass Casualty Shootings

In a posting some time ago, I commented, opined, about the Mass Casualty School shooting in Uvalde, Texas.  We all should recall the basic details of the incident, so I won’t rehash them.  Death an injury occurred, stories of the terror experienced by the...

Rampant Crime Across America…Are You Safe?

* Reenactment of an actual attack on one of my clients, in her home. I don’t need to tell you, read the news, watch the news, talk to your friends and neighbors. It is likely that it has happened in your community, your neighborhood. In my own, there is a report out...

Protests, Demonstrations, Violence, Death, and Destruction…seeking peace?

Law Enforcement agencies are responsible for the wrong and criminal acts of their personnel. Who is responsible for the wrong and criminal acts of these protesters? Do we blame that on law enforcement too? The media and activists will say that it is all the fault of...