Safety and Awareness Training From Law Enforcement, Military Special Operations and Covert Operation Experts
Welcome to
Your Situational Awareness 101
Personal and Family safety does not begin with our first responders like police, etc. It begins with you. You are your first and second line of defense. Becoming smarter about how you are in the world leads to better security. Danger and threats find you when you are not Aware. Avoiding and preventing them is the best form of security. We at Your Situational Awareness 101, are your source for learning how to do that. Our holistic approach to living in a dangerous world is your key to safety and security. We enhance your awareness; thus, you and your family are safer.

Online Training

Personal Consultation


Site Visits And Analysis

Threat Assessments

Personal Training For Individuals, Groups And Families.
We Provide Family, School And Corporate Level Training Services.
About Us
These are lessons learned by people who chose to put their lives on the line in defense of our society and way of life. These are people like Law Enforcement Officers, Military Special Operations Personnel and Spies.
The lessons learned were the things that allowed these people to operate in dangerous environments, around and against dangerous people, in difficult circumstances and complete critical missions and return home safe when the mission was done.
What you will learn are awareness skills that will enable you to go about your life with a level of confidence, knowing that you have prepared your mind and body for this sometimes dangerous world we live in.
You will develop the ability to use the God given skills and abilities, enhanced with practice and training to move in the world, knowing more than the potential adversaries that you might otherwise encounter.
The goal is to make you smarter, able to anticipate and avoid dangerous or threatening environments and most importantly be able to go and do what you choose without encountering the unexpected. And when you do encounter something you will have options and tools to work with to get you through the unknowns.
Recent data has illustrated that most people do not currently feel safe, even in the best environments like we have in America. What is more, most people are fearful of travel, both domestically and internationally.
That fear can be replaced with awareness skills that mitigate and eliminate most if not all of the uncertainties.
About Our Founder

Henderson Cooper
Military Special Operations experience working with and training members of the U.S. Military Special Operations community. Emphasis on special mission skills and covert operations.
Former United States Government covert operations, working for the Central Intelligence Agency both domestically and overseas. Work roles included training of U.S. and friendly foreign intelligence services. Primary work assignments were in covert operations in war zones, denied areas and as needed, other locations worldwide.
Consultant to Fortune Top companies and Executives. Provided training and support services to many of the most widely known Fortune 50 executives of the best national and international companies and executives.
Media Expert working with TVGuestpert as an advisor and consultant to TV and Print media on crime and intelligence affairs.
UCLA Graduate in Political Science, past student athlete on National Championship teams, coach on Track and Field and Advisor to Basketball Team
Clients Testimonials
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We provide precise service that even the media calls us in for our advice