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Why is Crime Exploding Everywhere? The Los Angeles Story

Why?  Why is crime exploding everywhere…here?  First, is it true that crime is ex-losing everywhere?  Is “everywhere” a fair choice of word in this conversation? Taking each of these questions separately…and is the opening a trick question!  The answer is obvious, and...

Social Distancing, and Profiling, in the Situational Awareness Model

I know what you are thinking at this moment, another piece about the COVID-19 virus, Healthcare, death, and sickness. And now here I come with yet more! I think it worthwhile to look at the relationship with some of the processes we do when being aware of the virus...

The Death of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…what if?

With the recent death of ISIS, Baghdadi, at the initiation of U.S. Special Operations and associated forces, the question for many is “what will this mean” besides the obvious? http://By U.S Army –...

What is happening in America today? Crime and Policing!

What would it be like if Governors and Mayors would mandate there be no more Rapes, no more Robberies, no Burglaries, no Thefts, no Assaults, no more Intoxicated or Impaired driving…in a nutshell, those State and City elected leaders out-law crime by people, all...

Can We Make It Through A Weekend Without a Mass Shooting?!

Can we…can we make it through a weekend, this weekend, without another Mass Shooting? Mass Shooting, Mass Killing… El Paso Texas, Dayton Ohio…these are the most recent, call them the current. There have been many, too many more. I think we can all...