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Terrorism Threats Today…Tomorrow, When or Not?

No Immediate Threat to U.S. Security Amid Hamas Call for Protests, Officials Say.....

Enemies At The Gates…

Photo: Times of Israel So terrorists have infiltrated Israel to commit attacks. What are the chances that terrorists have been and currently are entering the U.S. via our open borders? Rhetorical question. They certainly can be and likely have already. How do I know?...

School and Mass Casualty Shootings

In a posting some time ago, I commented, opined, about the Mass Casualty School shooting in Uvalde, Texas.  We all should recall the basic details of the incident, so I won’t rehash them.  Death an injury occurred, stories of the terror experienced by the...

Everyone is Off Work, Except those Darn Criminals

Yes, despite the “Stay-At-Home” advisories, despite the looming virus threat, with the threat of sickness and even death attached, despite the lack of people driving the roadways, despite the fact that most people are out of work or on...

Coronavirus…The Current Monster Under the Bed!

Do you see the threat there…It’s right in front of you!! I don’t want to make light of this…this IS serious!  I know that virtually everyone is talking about it.  And with good reason.  People are sick, people have died and likely, people will die.  This...
Artificial Intelligence is Coming…it’s Here!  And China leads the development.  What does this mean for us?

Artificial Intelligence is Coming…it’s Here! And China leads the development. What does this mean for us?

A.I., Artificial Intelligence is coming and has been talked about since entertaining movies introduced us to things like the Terminator, Hall from 2001 A Space Odessey. A portrait of a humanoid robot That was a long time ago. Those were movies, not real life, there is...