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State of Things (SoT) in the U.S. today

With the China Balloon slowly traversing the U.S., collecting and transmitting intelligence, the recent revelations that we have suffered another breach of our intelligence is more than revealing about “us!” The State of Things in the U.S…and of us! The suggestion is...

Rampant Crime Across America…Are You Safe?

* Reenactment of an actual attack on one of my clients, in her home. I don’t need to tell you, read the news, watch the news, talk to your friends and neighbors. It is likely that it has happened in your community, your neighborhood. In my own, there is a report out...

To My Two Readers…if you are still out there! Not Gonna Be A Victim!

Are you there? Well, in the hope that you are…yes, like the majority…maybe all of you…I have been on forced hiatus. Meaning, this C….-19 Pandemic madness. I dislike this thing and I refuse to use the name! I do Seminars. I do Threat...

They Say That Masks Work! So Give Prisoners Masks, Don’t Set Them Free!!

The “they” I refer to being the “experts,” the health professionals who say that the masks work. Now, in response to – I don’t really know what in terms of justifications. Now, Governor’s in several states have already done early...

Protests, Demonstrations, Violence, Death, and Destruction…seeking peace?

Law Enforcement agencies are responsible for the wrong and criminal acts of their personnel. Who is responsible for the wrong and criminal acts of these protesters? Do we blame that on law enforcement too? The media and activists will say that it is all the fault of...