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Coronavirus…The Current Monster Under the Bed!

Do you see the threat there…It’s right in front of you!! I don’t want to make light of this…this IS serious!  I know that virtually everyone is talking about it.  And with good reason.  People are sick, people have died and likely, people will die.  This...

Your Awareness Builder

There is always: a best direction to go, a best place to run, a best place to hide, and when it becomes necessary to fight, a best way of facing that challenge. It’s all fine, until it is not… With Awareness you arm yourself with knowledge. With that knowledge...

Travel Awareness

Wake up America…check out this piece on Travel Awareness… FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Gates, who oversees FBI ops at Los Angeles airports, details how vulnerable travelers can report or prevent sexual assaults on airplanes, and the importance of...

What is happening in America today? Crime and Policing!

What would it be like if Governors and Mayors would mandate there be no more Rapes, no more Robberies, no Burglaries, no Thefts, no Assaults, no more Intoxicated or Impaired driving…in a nutshell, those State and City elected leaders out-law crime by people, all...