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The Death of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…what if?

With the recent death of ISIS, Baghdadi, at the initiation of U.S. Special Operations and associated forces, the question for many is “what will this mean” besides the obvious? http://By U.S Army –...

What is happening in America today? Crime and Policing!

What would it be like if Governors and Mayors would mandate there be no more Rapes, no more Robberies, no Burglaries, no Thefts, no Assaults, no more Intoxicated or Impaired driving…in a nutshell, those State and City elected leaders out-law crime by people, all...

Can We Make It Through A Weekend Without a Mass Shooting?!

Can we…can we make it through a weekend, this weekend, without another Mass Shooting? Mass Shooting, Mass Killing… El Paso Texas, Dayton Ohio…these are the most recent, call them the current. There have been many, too many more. I think we can all...

Lou Alvarez – NYPD Retired EOW

Lou Alvarez…back in the day! Oh, you don’t know who Lou is! Well, let’s review. You see, once upon a time there was this place called the Twin Towers, New York City. The towers stood tall and proud. Thousands of people worked in the towers and many...

“THE STREETS OF LOS ANGELES”…diseased streets that is!

The below story snip and image are from a “U.S.A. Today” post. It presents a story about the current ongoing homeless and health crisis situation in Los Angeles, California. That situation is dirty, diseased, rodent infested, crowded and crime-ridden...