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September 11, 2001…Not Forgetting!

September 11, 2001…not forgetting…a day that will live in infamy. Now, having said that, I must admit I wonder if that memory is true. The group “SEAL of Honor” made a Facebook post with that image, the link is below, and a caption asking us...

Can We Make It Through A Weekend Without a Mass Shooting?!

Can we…can we make it through a weekend, this weekend, without another Mass Shooting? Mass Shooting, Mass Killing… El Paso Texas, Dayton Ohio…these are the most recent, call them the current. There have been many, too many more. I think we can all...
Artificial Intelligence is Coming…it’s Here!  And China leads the development.  What does this mean for us?

Artificial Intelligence is Coming…it’s Here! And China leads the development. What does this mean for us?

A.I., Artificial Intelligence is coming and has been talked about since entertaining movies introduced us to things like the Terminator, Hall from 2001 A Space Odessey. A portrait of a humanoid robot That was a long time ago. Those were movies, not real life, there is...

Phone Spying…that again!

This week there was a publication by Mashable on the subject of “phone spying” that was, to say the least, disturbing. And apparently, it does not matter whether it is an iOS or Android, or any particular maker. Further, when you must have an add-on of...