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Back In The Day…Service

Back in the day, in the rear belly of a Russian Hind Helicopter, on the tarmac of an airbase in Afghanistan, alternately smiling and choking on the toxic air (believe me, you don’t want to know the details on the air situation) during a calm in what was sometimes a...

“You Are Only As Safe As You Make Yourself,” Situational Awareness

Predators on the hunt! Is it fair to say “You Are Only As Safe As You Make Yourself?” Growing up you were continuously warned, “don’t touch that,” “look both ways before crossing the street,” “don’t go out in the...

American SitRep on Crime, Violence and the Root of the Problem

America, this is our current SitRep (Situation Report): Assaults and shootings at schools, mass (four or more injured, per FBI definition) and otherwise,  Shootings on the streets, gang, and robbery related, Domestic violence-related shootings and assaults, Ambushes...