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So, Do You Like Your Privacy? Well, You Had Better Check Your Phones Privacy Settings!

I came across an interesting article today that talks about your cell phone privacy, or lack there-of. It seems that while you and I sleep, our phones, iPhones, Androids, whatever, are busy with apps sending data to…who knows where? A bit of a dramatic...

Back In The Day…Service

Back in the day, in the rear belly of a Russian Hind Helicopter, on the tarmac of an airbase in Afghanistan, alternately smiling and choking on the toxic air (believe me, you don’t want to know the details on the air situation) during a calm in what was sometimes a...

Cyber Travel Security – You Have Been Warned, Are You Listening?

Everybody travels, everybody wants Travel Security, everybody thinks they have it dialed in, as-in, “my security is fine!“ Really? Have you noticed that the government gets hacked every day? Have you noticed that your bank, whatever bank you work with, has...

School Shooting Follow up – What Your Kids Need to Know

I thought it prudent to follow up my recent post on 7 May 2019, about the School Shooting in Colorado. Check the link yourself, but the short story is this, there was yet another school shooting. It was another kid, shooting other kids....

“You Are Only As Safe As You Make Yourself,” Situational Awareness

Predators on the hunt! Is it fair to say “You Are Only As Safe As You Make Yourself?” Growing up you were continuously warned, “don’t touch that,” “look both ways before crossing the street,” “don’t go out in the...

Travel Risk! Kidnapping, Terrorism, We Have The Solution!

Travel risk for the many challenges that this world presents are not new. Recent and old ongoing news reports outline the threats and dangers of international crime and terrorism. An International Traveler Scanning and Planning US to start warning travelers about...