Back in the day, in the rear belly of a Russian Hind Helicopter, on the tarmac of an airbase in Afghanistan, alternately smiling and choking on the toxic air (believe me, you don’t want to know the details on the air situation) during a calm in what was sometimes a storm.

And now. Smiling with a fresh coat of hair color, a clean shave, and less tactical clothing.

I still believe in service. I seek to serve our way of life, freedoms and safe and secure home life. So, I blog,
I give Workshops and Seminars. My platform is my own website,
And I work with my former Navy SEAL buddy and best selling author, Clint Emerson at his EscapeTheWolf Wolf, LLC, company when called upon.
Check out my site and my blog. I talk about the things that make your life, and your families life better.

I talk about business, corporate and public life made safer.