Ok, I’m gonna start the fight!

faceless man in hoodie
This country needs to ban the wearing of hoodies (and particularly in conjunction with wearing those damn covid masks) in some public and private spaces. Specially, but with some exceptions, markets, malls, stores, public transportation and of course there are others.
The reason and justification…crime! Crime in this country is epidemic. Just the economic impact is reason enough, but the threat of injury and even death to innocent people just takes the issue to critical in importance.
I own one or two hoodies. I hardly ever wear them, and i appreciate the utility of them for protection from weather conditions. And I have jackets that include an available hood attached. I almost never use the hood, but it is there should i need it. But i almost never do.
The abusive use of them, that those who chose to victimize the innocent public, cannot and should not be ignored or overlooked.
Check your nightly news videos and the descriptions you see associated with everyday crimes in big and small cities across this once safe land.
Is it fair…no, probably not. Is crime fair? Absolutely not! Is a restriction on clothing a violation of someone’s rights? Sure a Rights issue does come up. But I think the biggest complaints of those rights being lost will be the criminals, their lawyers and civil rights advocates, who are all financial partners in this problem.
So, there you go, let the hate ensue…