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Hamilton High School, Los Angeles, image from the Reunion group posting.

11 November 2018, my high school, Alexander Hamilton High, Los Angeles,…

had the reunion of the two classes from my graduation year.  It was one of the big multi-decade reunions…which is a round about way to say, a lot of decades!   It was great!  It was fun to see all the many faces you immediately recall, and those that you take a pause, blink, and go “oh yes, I remember you!”  And then you begin to share the many memories they have to offer and those that you have to offer.  It all comes together to make a nostalgic and heartfelt moment of days gone by.

The classes two emblems…courtesy of the Reunion posting.

We took a moment to remember and honor those that could not be at this great gathering.  There were several, too many to recount that had passed on.

We also took a moment to honor those dealing with the current devastating wildfires in Southern California, noting that there were many in the classes that had lost homes and memories.

Moving on, I would say to them all, you guys look great!  Everyone was in good spirits, everyone was grateful for their lives and experiences, and everyone was happy to be present with old and reclaimed friends.

That was my sentiment as well.  As a direct statement to you, my fellow alumni…you look marvelous, and it was great to see you!

It seems unreal that so much time has passed us by.  But we are still here, we are doing well, and we have this great moment together.  Something, actually a lot, to be thankful for.

Me during one of my 15 minutes of small fame moments, some interview, on some subject at some location…

Note the high and tight colar…not!  I think I had been choking!

I want to say thank you to the Reunion’s organizing committee for connecting people from what seems like the farthest reaches of the universe. Without their hard work, this great gathering would not have been possible.

Now, on to the next adventure…