Well, isn’t it about freakin time! Right?
2011 was the last time an American crew went into space, and on an American made vehicle.
Space X is preparing for what I consider to be an historic event.

NASA, SpaceX set May 27 as target date for first crew launch
We need this.
We need the win.
We need the achievment.
We need the punch in our national spirit.
We need our scientists showing their (our) mad skills.
We should be proud and grateful. We must encourage and reward our people for their efforts. Say thanks to Elon Musk…no matter how you might feel about him, he is doing what it seems that the rest of American expertise and will, to date, could not.
During this time of Covid-19, political disfunction and national divide, we have something good on the horizon…and American crew, in an American spacecraft, going back into space, back to the future!

Thanks Space-X, way to go America!